Ontario to crack down on illegal medical billing - Health - CBC News
Does this article take you by suprise or does this article scare you? We believe that this announcement will be one of many addressing new MOH and OHIP efforts on this topic. We all know of that one physician who is obviously operating in the "grey" - seeing how simple those physicians' finances are compared to yours when you are working many more hours for less money can be extremely frustrating. What goes around comes around and with all of the tracking and red flagging capability that the MOH has in their computerized systems do you really think they will never be caught? We believe that these physician's will be caught and their practices will catch up with them. You shouldn't live life in fear of that phone call that initiates an audit - either because you are wrongly billing or because you aren't doing the legwork required to claim bonuses, etc., especially when honestly claiming your income really takes less time to do than the time spent worrying about possible ramifications. Don't be the one to receive the bill from OHIP with all of the money you owe (probably plus interest) because you didn't properly document services you actually provided! Together, let's share resources and create community to help one another honestly maximize income - ironically if you spend the time focussing on what you actually are entitled to we are willing to bet that you will make more than you think AND you will have the added bonus of sleeping at night! How do we know this? We have worked directly with physicians who found this very hard to believe, but when they started focusing on doing things properly their income significantly increased, more than they could have imagined and they are sleeping well knowing that every penny is documented and accounted for.
Think about it - which headline are you going to be? OMBIS is here to be your resource - work smarter, not harder! Send us your thoughts and questions feedback@ombis.ca .
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