Thursday, 10 November 2011

One in nine MDs bill OHIP $1M+ - Peterborough Examiner - Ontario, CA

One in nine MDs bill OHIP $1M+ - Peterborough Examiner - Ontario, CA

We have all heard rumours or read articles similar to the one I've linked in the Peterborough Examiner...when we read this article it's obvious that there is a lack of balance in the scale of pay for physicians, but why? There are the obvious answers like physicians blatantly over-billing or billing codes for services not provided, we hear about these physicians all the time. At OMBIS we believe that there is a bigger issue that we hear about much less frequently but it weighs on 90% of physicians in the Ontario medical community...

We have all known the doc who starts out on the right track when it comes to billing and patient care, but then after a few years of being overworked and underpayed starts to bill slightly more aggressively and this slowly continues as the physician continues to become more and more frustrated with the lack of clarity in OHIP codes and eventually just starts billing to hit what they believe they should be making for income - rather than tackle the overwhelming task of figuring out that Schedule of Benefits...and all those error codes!

Do you see what we see? Physicians who are entitled to more renumeration than they are receiving but instead of dumping those silly time-sucking patients to study OHIP billing codes, they keep on keeping on with their day sheet and clinics. I mean, afterall, didn't you become a doctor to help patients....not study random non-sensical codes? You can spend more time with your patients, less time worrying about codes and start billing what you are entitled to, all while sleeping better at night because you know you were 100% entitled to everything you billed - just ask our members!

There is a sense within the medical community that medical professionals are underpayed, we agree but not for the same reasons as most people do. Medical professionals are underpayed because they don't understand the billing codes well enough to bill what they are entitled to, in fact, most physicians are genuinely shocked when they see all of the extra codes for services they have been provided in their course of work.....but NOT billing because they have no idea the code exists!! Start figuring out what you are entitled to!

1 comment:

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