Monday 21 January 2013

Members vs Non-Members

Most people stumble across our blog when they are searching the internet for clarification regarding an OHIP medical billing code (or medical billing precedural). OMBIS Inc., was created out of a need for a platform that would address gaps in knowledge, and provide a forum for sharing questions and knowledge. OMBIS Inc., provides information on billing codes and procedures here on Blogger and we also do that in a much more comprehensive way for our members at

What's the difference between members and non-members?

Our members ( send us questions and we will search for answers then email them back with a response. Non-members can also send us questions or topics that they would like to see a posting on as suggestions; however, our members get our special attention when it comes to finding answers to specific questions and/or concerns.

Our members also enjoy access to resources (preventative health care forms, practice management forms, etc.) and a search engine with thousands of OHIP codes that is put together in a way that takes the guess work out of billing. Our search engine took months to compile and will tell you what codes are allowable (not-allowable), details limits and specific considerations as well as links you to relevant OHIP memorandums and additional third party resources.

Member's also enjoy a 50% discount on all customized resource packages like the customized insurance form package that we were telling you about here.

1 comment:

  1. You must have done good research for the work, I appreciate your efforts.. Looking for more updates from your side. Thanks
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